CEO interview  
Paul Welch
Buyer Off Market  Aircraft Request
We maintain a continuosly updated database of the availability of off market, non listed, aircraft that we collect directly from our worldwide network of local correspondents and partners.
Such extensive knowledge allow us, in the majority of the cases, to present to clients alternatives which they could not access and to proceed in the most discrete manner.

Since such aircraft cannot be publicized, we initially  provide only main highlights, on request,  to potentially interested buyers.
If on the basis of such preliminary information the client confirms interest in the proposed aircraft  we'll put in place the necessary steps (confidentiality agreements and similar) to allow the supply of more details and to structure the possible transaction.
As a start we need to know from the potential buyer his main requirements which are indicated in the simple form that can be downloaded by clicking on the image beside.

Such information can be provided
by phone or sent as a pdf or image attachment by e-mail or Whatsapp to our proper contacts.  We avoid online form to guarantee higher privacy.

The submission of the information will not create any commitment from either side but will
allow buyer to access opportunities which are otherwise out of reach.
Prospect details will not be passed to any third party without specific consent.

The process is
free of charge to buyer unless differently agreed in writing.