G&G Aviation
presents Air-more, a new approach to the aeronautical market
Air-more (Air market opportunities research) is the new service presented
by G&G Aviation, for the sale, purchase and leasing of commercial and
business aircraft, helicopters and turbine engines.
Combining its consolidated
experience in the field with the potential of the web, G&G Aviation offers
to aircraft owners and operators the possibility to market or research the most
appropriate solutions in a totally assisted and filtered manner.
The service is centered on the
new site www.air-more.com which will be fully operational in June 2012
but that already allows the possibility to submit requests and offers for
aircraft and engines taking advantage, among the others, of the special
introductory terms applicable up to the definitive launching of the site.
In the first phase G&G
Aviation verifies, through its own network of contacts and information, the
possible opportunities to present to the customer and, subsequently, extends
the research to the entire market publishing an AD on the site but without
showing identifications of neither the customer nor of the aircraft or engine.
In such a way the customers
receives only the notices from actually interested users and the assett is not over exposed on the market thus avoiding the
problems which tipically affect the traditional
The Air-more service is
totally free for the advertiser, up to the actual finalization of an agreement
between the parties, and always for the users who obtain information on the
current offers or requests from the site.
Upon conclusion of a purchase
or lease agreement with a counterpart introduced by Air-more, the customer
inserting the AD shall pay a “Success Fee” determined, in a progressively
decreasing manner, on the total value of the transaction and which can be
further reduced in case the exclusivity be granted for a certain period.
“With this new initiative”, said Mr. Piccione (MD&CEO of G&G) “we intend to offer
something more and establish a further channel of contacts which
could allow our potential international customers, in particular in the
executive field, to know our activities and use an innovative type of service
which grants high results with minor involvment from
their side.
In addition, through the site,
will be possible to access a range of ancilliary
services like, aircraft appraisal and inspection or contract negotiation”.
The image & marketing
coordinator of G&G, Ms. Daniela Santinelli,
added: “The Air-more logo, utilizing the tipical “A”
and colors, establishes a solid link with G&G strong position while the
curved lines express at the same time the spreading of information on the
market, the use of modern transmission technologies and, with the upward
orientation, the concept of increase inherent in the word more”.